“The Guest” is coming to Moscow!

“The Guest” is coming to Moscow!

Dr. Anatoly Smeliansky, the head of the Moscow Art Theatre School, has invited “The Guest” to be performed in Moscow after seeing a video of the production. This is truly a huge honor! Tentative performance dates are September 7 and 8, 2012. http://mhatschool.theatre.ru/en/about/history/


Proud Member of American Association of Community Theatre

Sensational News: Arlekin Players Represents the U.S.!

We are very pleased to share some very exciting news with you! As we mentioned before, our performance of The Bear at the AACT (American Association of Community Theatre) National Theatre Festival in Rochester representing the New England region, earned us six nominations. We were extremely pleased with our results...


Stuart Low : AACT Fest ’11 at Geva Theatre Center

Stuart Low : AACT Fest ’11 at Geva Theatre Center

The 12 community theaters performing at Geva Theatre Center this week are a colorful grab bag of contrasts. They vary sharply in their mission, budget and even their preferred language. You’d expect that kind of diversity at AACTFest11, a major biannual festival. Its troupes survived rigorous competitions in America or...


Nationals 2011 in Rochester, NY

Nominations: Best Actor Best Actress Best Director Best Supporting Actor Best Lighting Best Sound We are extremely proud of our results. Thanks everyone for your unwavering support, we could not have done it without you.


Festival results for New England Regional festival

List of nominations won by Arlekin Players: Best Production: The Bear Best Director: Igor Golyak Best Actor: Gene Ravvin Best Actress: Alana Kumalagova Best Ensemble: Arlekin Players Best Adaptation: Arlekin Players


Сергей Ёлкин. ‘Игорь Голяк: “Мы делаем то, что нам интересно.”‘

В 2009 году в Бостоне открылся Русский театр “Арлекин”. За полтора года театру удалось многое: он получил шесть призов на трех международных театральных фестивалях, гастролировал в нескольких штатах, Нью-Йорке и Львове. 20 февраля спектакль театра “Арлекин” “Шутки Антоши Чехонте” впервые увидят зрители Чикаго. О магии театра и “другом” Чехове, учебе...


Arlekin players is going to Chicago!

Arlekin players is going to Chicago!

We would like to say thank you to our friends and sponsors who are making this tour possible. Театр-студия “Arlekin Players” благодарит за информационную поддержу спектакля в Чикаго: Reklama Media Success Media Group и журнал “Секреты Успеха” Компанию “Bomond” Радиостанцию “Новая Жизнь” Радиостанцию “Народная Волна” Радиостанцию “Новые Горизонты” Газету “Свет”...


New York premiere

New York premiere

We are very fortunate to be invited to perform in New York and happy that there is an interest in our work.  We value the time and passion that the organizers of the event showed during the whole production and performance process! Thank you!


Михаил Пипко: “По зубам ли бостонскому Арлекину “Большое яблоко”?

— Пожалуйста, два билетика на “Чехова”… можно не в первом ряду… сколько?… я могу без сдачи…— ухоженная дама элегантного возраста просовывает в окошко долларовый рулончик.— Как нету?! А с краю? Что, совсем нету?! Деньги сиротливо лежат на аллюминиевом блюдце. Дама растерянно протирает платочком запотевшие очки и, глубоко вздохнув, пытается просунуть...
