Theatre Journal – Performance Review, Insulted Belarus Worldwide Readings

Below is a link to and a quote from Valleri Robinson’s performance review of the Insulted. Belarus(sia) worldwide readings project in Theatre Journal. “Boston’s Arlekin Players Theatre… presented Insulted. Belarus. several times in Russian and English live via Zoom and Facebook. Under the direction of Igor Golyak, the actors, using black-and-white filters, spare backgrounds, and individual...


chekhovOS / an experimental game/

Joyce’s Choices – chekhovOS/an experimental game/

Below is a link to and a quote from Joyce Kulhawik’s review of chekhovOS /an experimental game/ in Joyce’s Choices. “This is the best virtual theater I’ve seen all pandemic. “ “We immediately find ourselves in the thick of these existential questions, which become transparently relatable in this context. Certainly...



Below is a link to and a quote from Marcina Zaccaria’s review of chekhovOS /an experimental game/ in Theater Pizzazz.  “Embracing the virtual format, chekhovOS/an experimental game/ offers live, interactive performance, reimagining The Cherry Orchard. “ “As NYC audiences make their way back to the cabarets and larger venues, chekhovOS...


smART Magazine – chekhovOS /an experimental game/

Below is a link to and a quote from Camilla Mikolajewska’s feature article of chekhovOS /an experimental game/ in smART Magazine. “A common misconception with theatre is that it is for a bourgeois crowd, which many of the times it is. Here, however, you are receiving that high level theatre...


The New Yorker – chekhovOS /an experimental game/

Below is a link to and a quote from David Kortava’s mention of chekhovOS /an experimental game/ in The New Yorker. “If the pleasure of conventional theatre lies in forgetting yourself for a time and getting lost in someone else’s story, then the strange thrill of this immersive multi-platform experience...
