March 1, 2023
Conceived, adapted, and directed by Igor Golyak is this new rendition of Anton Chekhov’s famous play The Orchard. In this new Version, Igor has blended new-age technology with the stage creating not just a unique version of this play but a new way to experience the stage both in-person and online. There are 8 BirdDog cameras (P4K, P200, & PF120) and some FLEX converters on cinema cameras positioned around the stage, a PF120 in a Robot Arm standing in for the titular Cherry Orchard, and a witness camera in the back for actors to use. They are able to pull all those streams into the Netgear M4250 Switch and then composite in Isadora and then broadcasted through OBS to Dolby Miliicast. They are also able to re-project the cameras and other materials from Unreal Engine 5 back onto a Kaleida Holonet scrim, a hologram gauze that is imperceivable to the audience until light hits it.